April 30, 2009


Posted in Research, Updates at 9:19 AM by hanhui

First meaning of the name Swatch was Second Watch, because the new watch was introduced with a new concept of watches as casual, fun, and relatively disposable accessories. Today, the name Swatch also means Swiss Watch, which stands for Swiss Made qualification of the Swatch watches.

Swatch is a brand name for a line of wrist watches from the Swatch Group. It was introduced to the market in Switzerland in March 1983.
Founded by Nicolas. G Hayek. The launch of the new Swatch brand in 1983 was marked by bold new styling and design.

Concept – The watches needed to be attractive, cheeky and good fun, daring in design and aggressively priced, with high quality and innovative flair. The Swatch watches were high-tech and came in a variety of fashion and art designs.


With an aggressive marketing campaign and a very reasonable price for a Swiss-made watch, it gained instant popularity in its home market. Compared to conventional watches, a Swatch was 80% cheaper to produce by fully automating assembly and reducing the number of parts from the usual 91 or more to only 51 components.

Swatches enjoyed their peak popularity during the mid-1980s. Such ’80s fads included wearing two Swatches and using a Swatch as a ponytail band. Some models, like Pop Swatch, allowed wearers to attach Swatches directly to clothing.

There are five families under the swatch brand. The five families are Swatch Originals, Swatch Irony, Swatch Skin, Swatch Beat and Swatch Bijoux.

In the mid-1980s, mainstream Swatch fashion statements came about in the rising hip-hop scene with the introduction of various colored and interchangeable watch faces and wrist bands. Colors included bright, day-glow and pastels.


SWATCH Chrono Plastic Collection

Posted in Research, Updates at 9:18 AM by shavien





These latest trends in urban sports reveal a democratic: there’s no limit to who can participate

– NO gender, ethnic, age, or economic barrier

Target audience:

Young adults especially avid sports fan or enthusiasts


introduction to FREE RUNNING and a up-and-coming urban sport that combines physical excercise with DARE-DEVIL acrobatic stunts and sheer bravado.

It doesn’t take much in the way of equipment, the MOST IMPORTANT COMPONENT is ATTITUDE.

With the urbanised modern age we are living in, we face challenges that have to be overcome, just like this acrobatic sport that draws out the persistence in their quest to overcome any barriers.

