April 16, 2009

Final Storyboard for COKE zero

Posted in Updates at 9:21 AM by shavien

Here is the final storyboarding with some graphic style references for our creation.




Test Shoot

Posted in Updates at 9:20 AM by hanhui

Yesterday was the test shoot. We still couldn’t manage to solve some technical issues and the props ex. coca cola glass bottle. We only manage to get the 250ml but is a bit too small to shoot for the details. Today we plan to start shooting for the actual one and try to solve all the technical problems that we are facing. Also, to digitalize and test out in after effects to see whether we can get the look that we want for the final.

Thursday – Look & Feel of The Final Clip

Posted in Updates at 9:02 AM by xianbin

This is some of the research on the final look.

Studying on how the video cliip should look like at the end. Like how to achieve the simple but yet not so simple finishing.