April 14, 2009

Tuesday – Coke Zero Reffrence Style

Posted in Updates at 9:18 AM by xianbin

This are some of better coke ads. Where the style and such is good. Comment could be found at each of the image.

Visual Reference on background design

Posted in Research, Updates at 9:16 AM by shavien

We did some tryouts playing with the lighting and effects to create the desired backgrounds after looking at some visual research.

Coke Zero

Posted in Research, Updates at 9:14 AM by hanhui

Yesterday was busy sorting the stuffs that we need to present later and also coming out with 3 concepts with detailed storyboards.
Here are some of the video reference for coke zero (latest):
Focus: Real Coca Cola taste and zero calories; using the sense of touch, sight and taste.
Focus: The Coke side of life; using vibrant colours and fun images.

Tuesday – Nothing to do at night Coke Logo

Posted in Research, Updates at 1:32 AM by xianbin

I felt bored so i Vector our Coke Zero Logo

The Coke Logo is the same just that the text zero is added on.

Look Like? If Dont must tell me k.
