April 6, 2009

Monday – Coke Zero Competitor Research Pepsi

Posted in Concepts & Ideas, Research at 9:35 AM by xianbin

You have seen some of the other competitors research. Well pepsi is one or They are the strongest competitor against Coke.

2009 Pepsi came out with a new branding.

So they are alike with coke in many ways.

The product range and the advertising methods are both very similar. Pepsi in specific started slightly behind coke. The establish only a few years after coke. The Start of Pepsi is same as coke, it is a medicine kinda drink.

In the past it is called Pepsi Cola.

Then it became pepsi.

I would like to point out this part of the history in specific.


Its the only few time where Pepsi Sales won Coke.

It all happen when Pepsi marketing saw the Black People market as a untouch market, so in the 50s they came out with a series of ads featuring Blacks in the Pepsi ads.

It immediately push pepsi sales above coke at that time.

This are the link images.

There is also another campign by Pepsi where they let user try both Coke And Pepsi, and the test result shows that people gernerally like Pepsi more.

Some people agure back by saying that Pepsi will taste better because it is actually sweeter then coke.

COKE_zero Research

Posted in Research, Updates at 9:27 AM by shavien

Here is a summary of the history of Coke Zero.


Coca Cola History

Posted in Research, Updates at 9:15 AM by shavien

A summary of the history of Coca-cola and its branding strategy and positioning.



Interesting Hp Ads

Posted in Research at 9:08 AM by hanhui

Monday – HP Concept

Posted in Concepts & Ideas at 9:06 AM by xianbin

Some of concept development in HP