April 3, 2009

Coca-cola Logo Rebranding

Posted in Research, Updates at 10:03 AM by shavien

Although Coca-cola has gone through a number of different advertising slogans throughout the years, there has only been around twice that the Coca-cola Logo has been rebranded.


Friday – NYP TV & OnAir

Posted in Concepts & Ideas, Research, Updates at 9:20 AM by xianbin

This are some of the developments.

A short analsys on it,

Target Audience, Youth in NYP (students)

Should Protray Fun, Cool, Hip, Fresh

So i started some thumbnails sketches on what i feel this emotion should be.

From there i slowly try out other ways such as Typography, Iconic & Corporate.

Things that keep running in my head, should i use back the NYP logo? I keep telling myself to stay away but my head keeps drawing back. you can see it in my sketches. Cause i felt that NYP tv should reflect or still keep the NYP logo as NYP is very unque by itself. We cant just use NP or YP, need to be NYP. And we should’nt re-brand it. We should just help to push the branding.

NYP on air & tv

Posted in Concepts & Ideas, Updates at 9:18 AM by hanhui

Here are some of the developments for NYP tv & on air logo: imgimg_0001img_0002

Those that are being circled are the ones Mr. Eric thinks that have potential to further develop.