April 2, 2009

Thursday – Canadian Pizza TVC

Posted in Updates at 9:28 AM by xianbin

The Finished video.

Got 2 audio piece. did some refinement to the pizza and design animation. Cos apparently alot of people said my pizza dont look like pizza.

So this is the final version

Logo References

Posted in Concepts & Ideas, Research at 9:17 AM by shavien

We started brainstorming on the concept before we further researched on the logo designs on web, library,etc.


Here are some references for the logo designs:

bbcnewlogos bio-chemical-logo-designcy_logo1my_network_tv_logo_3d1n2_realnsyl_logoorange-logo-design1orangetvren-tv-logoustreamhighreslogo1copyutvs-logo-tiny1003nouslogob

Fanta Play

Posted in Research at 9:15 AM by hanhui

Here are some video references for coke zero: